
Showing posts from May, 2020

Teachers Looking Out For Teachers

I like to think of myself as very low maintenance in terms of my well-being. And I think many of us are the same. Ultimately, I think it all boils down to the same way in which we treat our pupils. If we apply the same principles to each other as we do pupils- I think we will get it right. I write this with advice that ANYONE can implement. Really, they are all simple quick fixes- no matter your role or job title. 1. Greetings This makes all the difference. Acknowledging each other with a simple good morning and asking how everyone is really sets the tone for the day. Popping your head into the classroom you don't walk passed. 2. Thank you This is such a simple one but one that has such an impact. I have always ensured that from something being laminated for me, the tables being wiped, borrowing a whiteboard pen- just say thank you. It is SO powerful. 3. 'Random Act Of Kindness' buddies This one is always a HUGE hit. In each new school that I hav...

Ofsted Early Reading Deepdive

I posted a series of tweets about my experience of a very successful Early Reading Deepdive. I thought I would collate all of these tweets together for reference. My main piece of advice would be to own what you do. You know your school best, and I was just so pleased they saw reading in our school for the wonderful thing they did! The lead HMI inspector concluded his feedback with this statement: 'This is the most consistent and concise Early Reading I have ever witnessed'. And finally your reading environment... I hope this was of some help. This is just my experience with the new framework and hopefully it gives you a little insight.